- Micallef, A., Person, M., Gupta, S., Saadatkhah, N., Camille, A., Gratacós, Ò., (2023). Can Offshore Meteoric Groundwater Generate Mechanical Instabilities in Passive Continental Margins? Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128(3), e2022JF006954.
- De Biase, M., Chidichimo, F., Micallef, A., Cohen, D., Gable, C. W., & Zwinger, T. (2023). Past and future evolution of the onshore-offshore groundwater system of a carbonate archipelago: The case of the Maltese Islands, central Mediterranean Sea. Frontiers in Water.
- Saadatkhah, N., Kassim, A., Siat, Q. A., & Micallef, A. (2023). Salt leaching by freshwater and its impact on seafloor stability: An experimental investigation. Marine Geology, 455, 106959.
- Micallef, A., Saadatkhah, N., Spiteri, J., Rizzo, E., Capozzoli, L., Pace, L., et al. (2022). Groundwater seepage is a key driver in the formation of theatre-headed valleys in limestone. Geology, 50(6), 686-690
- Weymer, B.A., Everett, M.E., Haroon, A., Jegen-Kulcsar, M., Micallef, A., Berndt, C., Michael, H.A., Evans, R.L., Post, V., (2022). The coastal transition zone is an underexplored frontier in hydrology and geoscience. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1), 323
- Micallef, A., Averes, T., Hoffmann, J., Crutchley, G., Mountjoy, J. J., Person, M., et al. (2022). Multiple drivers and controls of pockmark formation across the Canterbury Margin, New Zealand. Basin Research, 34(4), 1374-1399.
- Avram, A., Kabacińska, Z., Micallef, A., & Timar-Gabor, A. (2022). Testing the potential of using fine quartz for dating loess in South Island, New Zealand. Radiation Measurements, 155, 106788
- Bialik, O. M., Varzi, A. G., Durán, R., Le Bas, T., Gauci, A., Savini, A., & Micallef, A. (2022). Mesophotic Depth Biogenic Accumulations (“Biogenic Mounds”) Offshore the Maltese Islands, Central Mediterranean Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. Original Research
- Martin-Nagle, R., & Micallef, A. (2022). Using science to achieve coopertion in submarine transboundary aquifers. In R. Sanchez (Ed.), Transboundary Aquifers: Challenges and The Way Forward (pp. 41-45). Paris: UNESCO
- De Biase, M., Chidichimo, F., Maiolo, M., & Micallef, A. (2021). The Impact of Predicted Climate Change on Groundwater Resources in a Mediterranean Archipelago: A Modelling Study of the Maltese Islands. Water, 13(21), 3046.
- Person, M., & Micallef, A. (2021). Offshore freshened groundwater in continental shelf environments. In M. Qadir, V. Smakhtin, S. Koo-Oshima, & E. Guenther (Eds.), Unconventional Water Resources. Switzerland: Springer Nature.
- Micallef, A., Paull, C. K., Saadatkhah, N., & Bialik, O. (2021). The role of fluid seepage in the erosion of Mesozoic carbonate escarpments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(1), e2021JF006387.
- Brezeanu, D., Avram, A., Micallef, A., Cinta Pinzaru, S., & Timar-Gabor, A. (2021). Investigations on the Luminescence Properties of Quartz and Feldspars Extracted from Loess in the Canterbury Plains, New Zealand South Island. Geochronometria, 48(1), 46-60.
- Haroon, A., Micallef, A., Jegen, M., Schwalenberg, K., Karstens, J., Berndt, C., et al., (2021). Electrical resistivity anomalies offshore a carbonate coastline: Evidence for freshened groundwater? Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL091909.
- Micallef, A., Marchis, R., Saadatkhah, N., Pondthai, P., Everett, M. E., Avram, A., et al. (2021). Groundwater erosion of coastal gullies along the Canterbury coast (New Zealand): A rapid and episodic process controlled by rainfall intensity and substrate variability. Earth Surface Dynamics, 8, 1-8.
- Micallef, A., Person, M., Haroon, A., Weymer, B.A., Jegen, M., Schwalenberg, K., Faghih, Z., Duan, S., Cohen, D., Mountjoy, J.J., Woelz, S., Gable, C.W., Averes, T., Tiwari, A.K., (2020). 3D characterisation and quantification of an offshore freshened groundwater system in the Canterbury Bight. Nature Communications, 11, 1372.
- Micallef, A., Person, M., Berndt, C., Bertoni, C., Cohen, D., Dugan, B., et al. (2020). Offshore freshened groundwater in continental margins, Reviews of Geophysics.
- Micallef, A.,(2020). Global database of offshore freshened groundwater records, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, 10.5281/zenodo.4247833
- Weymer, B. A., Wernette, P. A., Everett, M. E., Pondthai, P., Jegen, M., & Micallef, A. (2020). Multi-layered high permeability conduits connecting onshore and offshore coastal aquifers, Frontiers in Marine Science, 7(903).
- Bertoni, C., Lofi, J., Micallef, A., Moe, H., (2020). Seismic Reflection Methods in Offshore Groundwater Research. Geosciences, 10(8), 299.
- Pondthai, P., Everett, M.E., Micallef, A., Weymer, B.A., Faghih, Z., Haroon, A., Jegen, M., (2020). 3D characterization of a coastal freshwater aquifer in SE Malta (Mediterranean Sea) by time-domain electromagnetics. Water, 12(6), 1566.
- Berndt, C., Micallef, A., (2019). Could offshore groundwater rescue coastal cities? Nature, 574, 36.
- Micallef, A., Spatola, D., Caracausi, A., Italiano, F., Barreca, G., D'Amico, S., Petronio, L.R.M., Coren, F., Facchin, L., Blanos, R., Pavan, A., Paganini, P., Taviani, M., 2019. Active degassing across the Maltese Islands (Mediterranean Sea) and implications for its neotectonics. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 104, 361-374.
- Micallef, A., Mountjoy, J., Schwalenberg, K., Jegen, M., Weymer, B.A., Woelz, S., Gerring, P., Luebben, N., Spatola, D., Cunarro Otero, D., Mueller, C., 2018. How offshore groundwater shapes the seafloor. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 99.
- Micallef, A., Camerlenghi, A., Garcia-Castellanos, D., Cunarro Otero, D., Gutscher, M.-A., Barreca, G., Spatola, D., Facchin, L., Geletti, R., Krastel, S., Gross, F., Urlaub, M., 2018. Evidence of the Zanclean megaflood in the eastern Mediterranean Basin. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1078.
- Mountjoy, J.J., Howarth, J.D., Orpin, A.R., Barnes, P.M., Bowden, D.A., Rowden, A.A., Schimel, A.C.G., Holden, C., Horgan, H.J., Nodder, S.D., Patton, J.R., Lamarche, G., Gerstenberger, M., Micallef, A., Pallentin, A., Kane, T., 2018. Earthquakes drive large-scale submarine canyon development and sediment supply to deep-ocean basins. Science Advances, 4(3).
- Micallef, A., (2022). The role of groundwater in forming theatre-headed valleys in unconsolidated sediments and bedrock, International Congress on Geomorphology, Coimbra, Portugal.
- Micallef, A., (2022). Is groundwater an important geomorphic agent?, International Conference on Seafloor Landforms, Processes and Evolution, Valletta, Malta.
- Faghih, Z., Jegen-Kulcsar, M., Haroon, A., Berndt, C., Gehrman, R., Micallef, A., Schwalenberg, K., (2022). Geophysical and core data integration to characterise an offshore groundwater system in the Canterbury Bight, 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition Workshop Programme, Madrid, Spain, pp. 1-5.
- Gupta, S., Micallef, A., (2022). Mathematical modelling of erosive fluidisation, flow localisation and formation of pockmarks. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU22-4604.
- Haroon, A., Micallef, A., Jegen-Kulcsar, M., Schwalenberg, K., Karstens, J., Berndt, C., Garcia, X., Kuehn, M., Rizzo, E., Fusi, N.C., Ahaneku, C., Petronio, L., Faghih, Z., Weymer, B., De Biase, M., Chidichimo, F., Pondthai, P., Everett, M.E., (2022). Evidence for OFG in the carbonate margin of Malta? Insights from geophysical investigations, International Workshop on Offshore Freshened Groundwater Research, Valletta, Malta.
- De Biase, M., Chidichimo, F., Cohen, D., Micallef, A., (2022). 2D hydrogeological modelling of a transect across SE Malta to analyse causes of freshened groundwater occurrence and possible exploitation strategies, International Workshop on Offshore Freshened Groundwater Research, Valletta, Malta.
- Cohen, D., Person, M., Micallef, A., De Biase, M., Chidichimo, F., Zwinger, T., Gable, C.W., (2022). Hydrogeological modelling of freshened groundwater in the Maltese Islands using Elmer, an open-source, parallel, finite element multi-physics package, International Workshop on Offshore Freshened Groundwater Research, Valletta, Malta.
- Haroon, A., Micallef, A., Faghih, Z., Jegen-Kulcsar, M., Schwalenberg, K., Karstens, J., Berndt, C., Garcia, X., Kuehn, M., Rizzo, E., Fusi, N.C., Ahaneku, C., Petronio, L., Weymer, B., (2021). Controlled source electromagnetic measurements offshore the Maltese Islands: Implications for offshore freshened groundwater in a carbonate shelf. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU21-5080.
- Saadatkhah, N., Micallef, A., (2021). Formation of box canyons by mass failure in limestone: A modelling study of the role of groundwater seepage. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU21-8260.
- Micallef, A., Spatola, D., Caracausi, A., Italiano, F., Barreca, G., D'Amico, S., Petronio, L., Coren, F., Facchin, L., Blanos, R., Pavan, A., Paganini, P., Taviani, M., Baradello, L., Gordini, E., (2021). Active faulting offshore the Maltese Islands revealed by geophysical and geochemical observations. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU21-6570.
- Faghih, Z., Haroon, A., Jegen-Kulcsar, M., Gehrmann, R., Micallef, A., Berndt, C., Dosso, S.E., Schwalenberg, K., Weymer, B., (2021). Sub-seafloor Pore-fluid Salinity Estimation in the Canterbury Bight, New Zealand, based on Bayesian Inversion of Controlled-source Electromagnetic Data, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Kiel, Germany.
- Everett, M.E., Micallef, A., Marchis, R., Saadatkhah, N., Pondthai, P., Timar-Gabor, A., Preca-Trapani, R., Cohen, D., Abrams, D.M., Weymer, B., Wernette, P., (2020). Rapid and Episodic Groundwater Erosion of Coastal Gullies Controlled by Rainfall Intensity and Substrate Variability: Insights from the Canterbury coast (New Zealand), AGU Fall Meeting, EP034-004.
- Micallef, A., Person, M., Haroon, A., Weymer, B., Jegen-Kulcsar, M., Schwalenberg, K., Faghih, Z., Duan, S., Cohen, D., Mountjoy, J., Woelz, S., Gable, C.W., Averes, T., Tiwari, A.K., (2020). Onshore-offshore hydrological characterisation of the Canterbury margin (New Zealand) based on geophysical and modelling techniques, Geophysical Research Abstracts, pp. 5927.
- Clavera-Gispert, R., Micallef, A., 2020. Numerical modelling of groundwater seepage and landscape evolution along the Canterbury coast, South Island, New Zealand, Geophysical Research Abstracts, pp. 4821.
- Weymer, B., Wernette, P., Everett, M.E., Pondthai, P., Jegen-Kulcsar, M., Micallef, A., (2019). Combining near-surface electromagnetic methods to characterize the hydrogeology of braided alluvial deposits: Canterbury Coast, New Zealand, AGU Fall Meeting, pp. H53I-1858.
- Micallef, A., Haroon, A., Person, M., Weymer, B., Jegen-Kulcsar, M., Schwalenberg, K., Faghih, Z., Duan, S., Cohen, D., Mountjoy, J., Woelz, S., Gable, C.W., Tiwari, A.K., Averes, T., (2019). 3D characterisation of an offshore freshened groundwater system in a passive siliciclastic margin: Canterbury Bight, New Zealand, AGU Fall Meeting, pp. H53I-1879.
- Hoffmann, J.J.L., Gorman, A.R., Crutchley, G.J., Micallef, A., Mountjoy, J., Averes, T., (2019). Pockmark formation and modification processes on the Canterbury Shelf, New Zealand. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21.
- Haroon, A., Micallef, A., Weymer, B.A., Schwalenberg, K., Jegen, M., (2019). 2D Inversion of marine Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data to delineate an offshore Aquifer in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand, DGG, Berlin.
- Faghih, Z., Weymer, B.A., Jegen, M., Shuangmin, D., Haroon, A., Holz, S., Schwalenberg, K., Micallef, A., Mountjoy, J., Woelz, S., (2018). Using marine controlled-source electromagnetics to study potential offshore groundwater: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand, EMIW, Helsingør
- Marchis, R., Spatola, D., Fenton, C., Micallef, A., (2018). Rapid gully erosion along uncemented gravel cliffs (Canterbury Plain, New Zealand): Insights from repeat UAV surveys, EGU Annual Meeting, Vienna.
- Person, M., Key, K., Steckler, M., Paola, C., Voller, V., Stadler, S., Micallef, A., (2018). The Role of Sediment Transport and Sea-Level Fluctuations on the Sequestration of Offshore Freshwater in Passive Continental Margin Environments, EGU Annual Meeting, Vienna.
- Weymer, B.A., Jegen, M., Schwalenberg, K., Holz, S., Faghih, Z., Duan, S., Micallef, A., (2018). Mapping offshore freshwater aquifers using marine controlled-source electromagnetics: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand, EGU Annual Meeting, Vienna.
- Weymer, B.A., Jegen, M., Schwalenberg, K., Holz, S., Faghih, Z., Duan, S., Micallef, A., Mountjoy, J., (2017). Using marine controlled-source electromagnetics to map the occurrence of offshore groundwater: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand, IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for the Sea, Naples.
- Woelz, S., Micallef, A., Mountjoy, J., Spatola, D., Mueller, C., (2017). Hydroacoustic and shallow seismic reflection data from the Canterbury Shelf - The MARCAN project, Geosciences Society of New Zealand, Auckland.
- Micallef, A. (2017) Topographically-driven meteoric groundwater: An important geomorphic agent? IAG Conference, New Delhi.
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